When I turned thirty (several years ago) I made some decisions about some things I no longer wanted to do. I don’t know why, but thirty was a turning point for me. I decided there were some things I no longer wanted in my life. I think some of the things on my list were important for everyone and some of them were just personal preference things that I decided weren’t for me anymore.

I think we could all use a list like that.  Maybe not a formal one, but a list. Being immature is fun…when you are a kid. But when you grow up, it’s time to act that way.

In his letter to the Corinthians the apostle Paul says, “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

I think there are a few childish things we should all put away. So I went ahead and made a formal list of thirteen things we should all stop doing. The sooner the better. Thirty is probably as good an age as any.

It’s time to stop…

1. Doubting yourself

Your life is probably about one third over. You know who you are by now. It’s time to stop doubting yourself and go for it.

2. Refusing to change

They say people don’t change, but that’s not true, people do change. But the only person who can change you is you.

3. Eating off of plastic plates

You are an adult. Adults aren’t afraid to break a glass plate. Ditch the plastic.

4. Living for the moment

Living for the moment won’t get you anywhere. It will leave you hung over and depressed. It’s time to start thinking bigger. It’s time to start thinking long-term. Delayed gratification is a weapon. Use it.

5. Dating losers

Dating the bad boy may be fun in college, but it’s a bad look in your thirties and a great way to be alone in your fifties. Dating the free-spirit may lead to a lot of fun in your twenties, but it gets old fast when you have actual bills to pay. Party’s over. Move on.

6. Sleeping in

You can sleep in and still be successful in your twenties. Not so much in your thirties.

7. Being a cheap tipper

Your gratuity generally says more about you as a person than it does about your server as a service person.

8. Believing every emotion you have is important

Want to guess who acts on every emotion they have? A two-year-old. Want to guess who are terrible people? Two-year-olds.

9. Lying to get out of trouble

It’s called personal responsibility. Try it. It will make a man (or woman) out of you.

10. Skipping workouts

You can get away with skipping workouts in your twenties because everyone looks good in their twenties. Your thirties body will tell a different story.

11. Being stingy

Generosity is a wonderful trait. It’s best learned young, but it’s better late than never.

12. Not saying what you mean

Being coy and mysterious in communication makes for good high-school “will they-won’t they” situational comedy. It’s less funny in real life.

13. Making excuses for bad behavior

You’re an adult, act like it. Immaturity is no longer a viable excuse for bad behavior.

Just for fun, here are two bonus things. I didn’t add them because “13 things to stop doing by the time you are 30” sounds better than “15 things to stop doing by the time you are 30,” but I think they are just as valid. Consider them freebies. And I’ll give you till 31.

14. Being lazy

This one doesn’t need a description. Just stop. Hard work is attractive.

15. Not honoring your parents

You were a kid who didn’t understand the sacrifices your parents made for you. That’s fine. You aren’t a kid anymore.

16. Avoiding the virus

“If The Walking Dead took steroids and overdosed on caffeine and someone wrote a book about it, it would be called The Nephilim Virus!” – 5-star book review