Have you ever wondered if you think a little differently than most people? If so, this post is for you. Do you ever get the idea that you want to try things other people are afraid to try? If so, this post is for you. Have you ever felt there is something more to life than what you are currently experiencing? If so, this post is for you.

This post is for the fire starters and the dream chasers. This post is for the people who aren’t afraid to dream big and fail bigger. This post is for the humans who don’t fit in and don’t mind standing out.

This post is for the dreamers.

It would be better to waste your life chasing a dream than waste your dream chasing a life

The average lifespan is somewhere around 80 years. That equals 29,200 days. Your life consists of 29,000 twenty-four hour units. It’s very easy to waste most of those while doing nothing more than paying the bills each month. It’s easy to let your dreams go un-chased while you concentrate on making a little more money and buying a slightly better car.

Don’t get me wrong. You have to pay your bills. You have to survive. You have to have the basics covered. But most of us, if we were honest, would have to admit that we spend a lot of our time being comfortable. We spend a lot of our time just chasing a normal life. And while we do that our dreams get away.

You have somewhere around 29,000 days to make a difference that will be remembered in the world. Don’t waste them on being comfortable. Don’t waste them on being normal. Don’t waste them on being dreamless.

It would be better to live an uncomfortable life than to die with a dream still inside of you

I believe God gives everyone at least one dream. I believe everyone has something their soul calls them to do. Some people seem to be better at listening to their soul than others. Some people seem to be better at living in that uncomfortable and scary area where life requires us to reside in order to chase a dream or follow a calling.

We are each given a dream and the ability to chase it.

I think one of the worst things you could do with your life would be to die without at least trying to catch your dream. I think it would be horrible to go the grave without having attempted to follow your calling.

God doesn’t give boring lives. He calls people with the offer of incredible adventures, but some people choose comfort and security instead.

It would be better to look back and admit you failed than to look back and admit you were too afraid to try

If you chase your dreams, you will fail. Write that on your heart. Everyone fails. You are no exception. There, now that’s out-of-the-way and you can get on with succeeding.

Success is about failure. And failure is nothing more than learning how to succeed.

At the end of your life, when you are an old person sitting in a rocking chair thinking over the whole of your existence, what will you remember? Will you remember paying the bills or upgrading your car every few years? I doubt it. Will you remember the times you failed while chasing something big? Probably so. But which would be the worse outcome: being an old person with a story to tell your grandkids about the time you attempted something crazy, something no one else would attempt, something that defined your life? Or having to tell your grandkids you wanted to try something bold but you were too afraid to give it a shot?