This blog post marks my one hundred and first blog post! Over the last two plus years I have posted ONE HUNDRED blogs. Pardon me while I take a moment to celebrate that feat.

When I started the blog I wanted to help people through my writing but I had no idea how long I would continue posting for. After all a weekly blog is a lot of work and takes a lot of my very scarce free time.

I had no idea if anybody would take five minutes per week out of their own busy schedule to read a few words from me. Turns out over 11,000 people have tuned in to read my thoughts. I had no idea I would get over 18,000 views in two years! I’m happy when one person reads my words, so you can imagine my excitement that 11,000 people have tuned in 18,000 times!

Like I said, I’m going to take a moment to celebrate….

Ok, done. Back to work.

Now that I’m done celebrating I want to thank all of my loyal readers, so I’m going to give away two free copies of my book, The Nephilim Virus, to two people on my email list. If you want to be entered to win just sign up to receive my blog via email every week (I promise no spam. The blog is all you will get from me.) My daughter will randomly draw two emails from the email list on October 10th and I will send each of those people a signed and personalized copy of my book.

Huge THANK YOU to everyone who already receives my blog and to everyone who reads and shares it. It truly means the world to me. You have no idea. Thank you.

Here’s to the next one hundred posts!


Don’t take your chances. Guarantee yourself a copy of the book Readers’ Favorite named Christian Thriller of the year by purchasing a copy here