There is a book that was popular not too long ago called, Eat This, Not That! The book gave food choices that were healthier alternatives to popular bad foods. For example it would tell readers to eat this: fruit; not that: candy bar. The book’s goal was to help people choose food that was a little better than the food they would naturally eat. It didn’t promise to solve all nutrition problems, it just wanted to nudge people in the right direction.

I think nudging people in the right direction is a great idea. It occurred to me that the same eat this/not that idea could apply to life.

We live in a world that likes to complain. We live in a society that likes to talk about change but prefers most of the change to be done by others. We live in a culture where people like to grumble. Unfortunately, I’m as guilty of this as the next person.

With that in mind, here are a few ideas of things we can all do instead of complaining.

Do this. Not that.

Do this: Give

Not that: Grouse

If you want to change the world, you must give. The world won’t change because you gripe about your problems with it. The world won’t change because you grouse about its deficiencies. The world won’t change because you growl about the things that aren’t right. The world will only change if you make it. And to make it change you must give. That might mean giving your time. It might mean giving your money. It might mean giving your talents. But it will mean giving. Do you have a problem with the unfairness of starving children in Africa? Give money to a charity that feeds them. Do you have a problem with homeless vets in our streets? Give your time by volunteering at a shelter. Do you have a problem with inner-city children lacking opportunities? Give your talents to mentor a child. Do you have a problem with ___? Do this: Give.

Do this: Be thankful

Not that: Be a taker

Did you know the best way to be content with what you have is to be thankful for it? Seriously. Studies show that thankful people are happier people. Thankful people don’t always have more, but they are always thankful for what they have. It’s a proven fact. If you want to be happier, be more thankful. How about this. Think about three people who have positively influenced your life. Have you ever taken a few minutes to write a note to them thanking them for pouring themselves into you? I bet not. Have you ever listed the blessings in your life? I doubt it. Do this: Write a thank you note to three people. Or list twenty things in your life you are thankful for. There, don’t you feel happier already?

Do this: Focus outward

Not that: Focus inward

We live in an egocentric, self-serving world. If we are honest, we would admit that most of the problems we have with other people are because they don’t think the same as we do. A lot of us lack the ability to step outside of our own shoes and look at something from another person’s perspective. Most of us create our own drama. Many of our problems could be fixed if we stopped worrying about ourselves so much (gasp!). Do this: Spend one day focusing on other people. Every time you find yourself getting upset about something, put it aside and find someone else to focus on. Is one day too hard? Try it for an hour.

I can feel the world changing a little already.


Do this: Read the thriller Megan Fox called a “fun ride,” that would “make a great movie!”

Not that: Miss finding out what mistake David and his son Solomon made thousands of years ago that threatens to usher in the apocalypse today.