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Does God want you to play it safe?

Two years ago my wife and I went through a very difficult situation involving our housing. Finding affordable housing (affordable being relative) in Los Angeles is always a tall order, but at the time the difficulty was enhanced by a housing crisis. We got caught in a situation where we were losing our current rental and only a matter of days away from being homeless. Due to circumstances beyond our control and some misplaced trust we found ourselves without a new home to rent. In our case losing our home also meant the very real possibility of losing our child. The stakes couldn't have been higher. Unfortunately, we reacted out of fear. We made a bad decision. There were no good choices so we chose to play it safe. Instead of trusting we were fearful. Why don't you play it safe, Moses? Moses is the hero of the Jewish people. He's the fearless leader who saved them from slavery. But he didn't start out that way. He started out as a criminal on the run from the law. He started out as a murderer trying to escape his past. He went from being the crown prince of Egypt to [...]

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