The fight for relevance in an Instagram influencer culture
A little while back I had an audition for company that is a giant in the fitness and nutrition industry. I walked into the waiting room and saw there were dozens of other fitness actors and models waiting their turn to audition. I was excited about the opportunity to audition for this company and I felt my chances were pretty good. I’m not the best actor in the world but I work really hard to stay in top shape and my fitness resume is pretty solid. I’ve worked with many of the biggest names and companies in the industry and am a regular in the largest fitness publications. Even against the couple hundred other guys trying for the same part I liked my odds. Then I found out the casting wouldn’t be based on our skills, looks, or resume. Instead all casting wanted to see was our social media. All casting wanted to know was how many followers we had on Instagram. My odds went from solid to soiled. From good to garbage. My social media resume is basically the exact opposite of my fitness resume. It’s bad. The “audition” was a real wake up call for me. And [...]
Exclusive look at the first three chapters of The Nephilim Virus (with notes from the author)
As promised, here are the first three chapters of The Nephilim Virus. To see my thoughts, notes, and some [...]
Exclusive look at chapter one of The Nephilim Virus
Chapter 1 I woke up at exactly 4:37 p.m. from the longest nap of my life. A half [...]
The story of us -part 3
The fact that this post happened to be part three of The Story of Us is appropriate. Three is [...]
The story of us -part 2 (a foster care story)
Our foster baby was at the hospital. My new daughter was ten days old. But we wouldn't be able [...]
Karma, or something like it
It is a law in the universe that when you put something out into the world you receive the [...]