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How to fight your “basic” instinct

In the Bible Jesus tells a story about a king who goes away for a while and leaves three of his men in charge of his money. He gives a small amount of gold to one man, a medium amount to the next guy, and a large amount to a third guy. All three are tasked with the job of investing the money so that when the king gets back he has a return on his investment. In the story the king eventually returns and calls the men to account for what they did with the money he trusted them with. The man who was  trusted with a lot tells the king he invested it and made a lot more. The king appreciates the job well done and rewards the man handsomely. The same thing happens for the second guy. But then the king hears the report from the third guy. This fellow tells the king he was afraid he would lose the money if he invested so he buried it to keep it safe. He then hands over to the king the same amount he was given to invest. The king is upset and disappointed. How could this [...]

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