How to get up at 4 a.m. every day
Getting up at 4 a.m. is all the rage. That didn't used to be the case, but Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg started sharing their early morning workout experiences on Instagram and getting up early suddenly became cool. Before that I would bet most people didn't even know 4 o'clock happened twice a day. I have a lot in common with The Rock and Marky Mark. We are all highly successful, very rich, A-list actors with dozens of blockbuster movies to our names and millions of Instagram followers. Well, maybe that's not true about all three of us....but two out of three isn't bad. However, it is true that all three of us do get up before most of the rest of the world is awake. People are sometimes amazed when they learn I wake up at 4 a.m. every day. They often ask how I do it. I can tell you this, it doesn't happen by accident. Getting up early is all about preparation. Getting up before the world is awake makes feel like you have an entire day to accomplish things. Getting up early makes you feel like you are getting a jump on the day before everyone else [...]
The case for being equally unique
There's a lie about equality that's been around for a long time but it's gained significant popularity in the last [...]
Living in fear vs living in faith
Fear feels like a guillotine waiting to drop... I moved to California a year before my dad passed away from [...]
The reason I never post pictures of my child’s face
If you follow me on social media you may have spotted something a little off about my sharing practices. If [...]
Celebrating the UNITED States of America
Everyone knows I love America. I always have. I have a lot of national pride. America has always been a part [...]
Encouragement for a non-traditional life
My life has never looked like the traditional idea of what a life should look like. Honestly, it's probably partially [...]