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Comfortable Christians make Jesus sick

I was in Memphis last month when a lady overheard me talking to a couple of my brothers in a restaurant. Upon finding out that I was a Christian who was living in California she asked me, "What are you doing out there?" in an accusatory tone. She seemed to think I was violating God's laws by living among pagans. What am I doing out here? Where did Christians get this idea that we are supposed to be comfortable? When did we start believing that we are supposed to surround ourselves with a little Christian group and maintain our little Christian circles? Where do we read about Jesus ever doing that? In my Bible I read about Jesus hanging out with prostitutes and drunks and tax collectors. The dregs of society. The least of these. In fact, the only people who seemed to have a problem with Jesus were the ultra religious crowd. Sinners, on the other hand, loved him. Jesus was often accused of drinking with prostitutes and eating with outcasts, but no one ever accused him of being too religious. That's why I'm sick to death of comfortable Christians. And, if I read my Bible correctly, I'm [...]

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