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The 3 most underrated things Jesus offers

Recently I wrote a post entitled 3 Things Jesus never said and while I thought the post might be popular and maybe a little controversial, I never imagined how much people would respond to it. As a follow-up to that post I would like to share the things I think are the three most underrated things followers of Jesus get. Thanks to Tebow's eye paint most people know about Christ's offer to save the world from sin and his offer of heaven, so I picked a few points that are a little further off the beaten path. If you are a Christian (follower of Jesus Christ), these things may still be a little surprising to you, but they are already yours if you want them. If you are not a Christian, here is a little peek behind the curtain. Here are three underrated things Jesus offers his followers: Purpose and direction I'm constantly surprised at the lack of purpose most people have in life. Life without purpose is meaningless. I think that is one of the reasons Donald Trump is such a fascinating study. He has given many people who had no purpose in life a purpose. Tons of [...]

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