Jesus said quite a few things and many of those words have been preserved for us. In fact, as far as historical figures go, the amount of things Jesus said that were preserved for us is unparalleled in ancient literature. Great men wrote down many of the things Jesus said and other great men and women preserved them and translated them for us to read.
Most homes have a Bible. Virtually everyone in the western world has access to a virtual Bible. But we still get so much of what Jesus said wrong.
A lot of things we think Jesus said, he didn’t really say or teach. The most famous person who has ever lived is also the most misquoted person who has ever lived. Today I want to clear up just three common misconceptions about Jesus and his teaching.
Jesus never said tolerance was a virtue.
Jesus never told us to tolerate people. In fact, he went quite a bit further than tolerance is willing to go. He told us to love our enemies.
The world asks for us to tolerate people because tolerance is the best the world has to offer. Tolerance is a virtue only in the eyes of the world because the world is selfish and tolerance is the best trait available to a selfish world. But for the follower of Jesus tolerance doesn’t go nearly far enough. To tolerate something means to allow the existence of that person or thing (even if you don’t necessarily agree with it/them) without interference. The believer has no use for tolerance, because the believer has a higher standard. Jesus followers are called to love people, not tolerate them.
Jesus never told us to tolerate anyone. He told us to love our enemies and pray for those who abuse us. Believers are supposed to get involved with people they disagree with. We are supposed to let our love interfere in the lives of those who are set against us. Followers of Jesus are never told to tolerate anyone. We are told to love them.
Jesus never told you to stand up for your rights.
Everyone feels like they have to stand up for their rights. Especially as Americans, we have the tendency to get caught up in our right to do one thing or another. Americans love freedom and we see our rights as part of that freedom. We will fight for them tooth and nail. Which is good. Most of the time.
Living in a free country is a great privilege but it comes with several responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is to stand up for your own rights and for the rights of others. As a human who lives in a free country you have the right to stand up for your rights. As a follower of Jesus you have no such right.
Not once in all of his sermons, parables, stories, or teachings did Jesus ever tell anyone to stand up for their rights. In fact, he told his people to turn the other cheek when they were being abused and to go the extra mile when they were being taken advantage of. He told his people to bless the people who curse them.
Let me make this practical. Putting a sign up in your window that says, “No Gays Allowed” might be your right as an American, but as a follower of Jesus you have no such right. IF you are a follower of Jesus your responsibility is to love EVERYONE who comes into your store. You have no responsibility to agree with everyone, but you do have a responsibility to show everyone the love of Jesus.
Which response do you think will attract people to your God: standing up for your rights or showing extreme love to those you disagree with?
Jesus never said you would (or should) be comfortable.
We have this idea that God should make things comfortable for us. We have this idea that God either promised us comfort or owes us comfort. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, Jesus told his followers that in this world they would have trouble. The truth is, if you are a believer, your lifestyle should be the opposite of everyone around you. Your life as a Jesus follower should be in direct contrast to the life of everyone else in the world. You will look, act, and think differently. Your life will be going against the grain. Mark it down: This will be uncomfortable.
The world tells you to exalt yourself and promote your brand. Jesus tells you that humility is strength.
The world tells you to put yourself first. Jesus tells you that the first will be last and the last will be first.
The world tells you that complaining the loudest makes you the best. Jesus tells you that the peacemakers will be blessed.
The world tells you to grab all you can grab. Jesus tells you to give more than you are able to give.
The world tells you that survival of the fittest is the ultimate law. Jesus tells you to do to others as you want them to do to you.
Living in the upside-down kingdom Jesus created will make you uncomfortable. In my opinion, if your life feels pretty comfortable on a day-to-day basis, you should re-examine your calling, because Jesus never called people to comfort. He called them to adventure. He called them to trouble. He called them to buck the status quo. But Jesus never called a single person with the offer of a comfortable life.