10 things I want my daughters to know
Dear Daughter, I've taken the time to write down a few things I want you to remember. Sometimes daddies aren't very good at expressing their feelings or knowing the right words to say, so I wrote down a few things I want you to remember. They are for you to read when the time comes and you need a few words from your dad. You will change the world In my experience women change the world far more often than men do. They usually do it more quietly and more subtly than men, but they do it far more often. The world will bend to your will. The world has no power greater than the power you hold. Remember that, because the world will try to convince you otherwise. You are far more valuable than you realize You are worth more than all the gold in all the universes combined. Your soul is priceless. Don't do things to devalue that. Don't sell yourself short or cheaply. You could never be replaced. Anyone who thinks you could be isn't worth you. Make the important things the important things The world will tell you that the important things are not important and [...]
3 ways to fight your insecurities
Being insecure is a human condition. All of us fight one type of insecurity or another. Some of us are [...]
6 ways to enjoy Halloween in a sensitive culture
Halloween. The one day of the year when people can dress up and pretend to be someone or something else. [...]
The benefits of NOT being cool
Humans were created to be relationship creatures. We were created to be in groups and to interact with each other. But [...]
5 signs you are a strong person
I've been thinking about strength a little bit more this last week due to some events in my life. In [...]
Dear Dad (an open letter to the man I want to be)
Dear Dad, I've been writing blogs for a few months now. I wish you were around to read them. [...]