Dear Daughter,

I’ve taken the time to write down a few things I want you to remember. Sometimes daddies aren’t very good at expressing their feelings or knowing the right words to say, so I wrote down a few things I want you to remember. They are for you to read when the time comes and you need a few words from your dad.

You will change the world

In my experience women change the world far more often than men do. They usually do it more quietly and more subtly than men, but they do it far more often. The world will bend to your will. The world has no power greater than the power you hold. Remember that, because the world will try to convince you otherwise.

You are far more valuable than you realize

You are worth more than all the gold in all the universes combined. Your soul is priceless. Don’t do things to devalue that. Don’t sell yourself short or cheaply. You could never be replaced. Anyone who thinks you could be isn’t worth you.

Make the important things the important things

The world will tell you that the important things are not important and that the things that aren’t important are. Don’t believe them. The important things cannot be bought, sold, or replaced. Everything else can go, but don’t lose what you cannot replace. Your self-worth, your reputation, your confidence, your honor, your family, your faith, your heart. There are no replacements for these things. Guard them will all diligence.

Be patient in love

There is no time limit on love. It would be better to spend 10 years with the right person than 50 with the wrong one. Trust me. One winner is worth a million losers. Be patient. It will pay off.

Never settle for anyone who doesn’t treat you as well as I do

My goal is to set a bar for you that all others must clear to be in your life. If I have done my job, then you will know the level of respect and honor someone who wants to be in your life must meet. If they don’t clear the bar, send them on their way.

Appearance isn’t everything, but it is something

Looks will attract a mate but character will attract the right mate. I’ll be honest, appearances count. We live in a society that runs to one extreme or the other. They say how you look doesn’t matter at all or they say how you look is the only important thing about you. Neither of these things are true. You are beautiful, and that beauty will attract many suitors. But it is your character that will keep the right one.

Don’t lose hope

What oxygen is to your body hope is to your soul. Whatever else you may lose, don’t ever lose hope.

You are unbelievably strong

Anyone who doubts you doesn’t know you. Anyone who doubts you doesn’t know whose daughter you are. You are brave. You are strong. Even if everyone else doubts you, don’t ever doubt yourself. Not ever. You are unbelievably strong.

Time is too valuable to waste

You can make more money, you can make more friends, you can get another job, you can buy other things, but you can’t make more time. Don’t ever be bored. Life is too short for that. If life is boring, then you aren’t doing it right. Go on an adventure. Have a conversation. Try something new. Chase a dream. Just. Don’t. Live. Bored.

I will always be proud of you. I will always love you. I will always take your side.

No matter what you do. No matter where you go. No matter how you feel about yourself or how others feel about you. No matter what, I will always love you. No matter what, I will always be proud of you. And no matter what side you take, I’ll be right beside you. I promise.

Don’t be bored. Buy my book.

I guarantee you will be entertained!