My greatest achievement
In a recent interview I was asked to name the achievement I am most proud of. I didn’t have to think for very long before I had my answer. I'm not sure my answer was what the interviewer expected. I think there are probably several things the interviewer expected me to say and the thing I chose wasn't one of them. But before I tell you what I did say I want to throw out a few answers I could have given. Here are a few responses I could have chosen: I'm most proud of the fact that I once deadlifted 730 pounds in a powerlifting contest. In fact I’ve won every powerlifting contest I’ve ever entered. I'm most proud of the fact that I’ve been in popular publications like GQ and People magazine. I’ve also been featured in fitness magazines like Men’s Health and been a cover model for fitness magazines including Muscle and Fitness. I'm most proud of the fact that I wrote a book and got it published. As a matter of fact my book won Christian thriller of the year for 2018. I'm most proud of the fact that I've been seen by thousands of people on [...]
The reason shortcuts don’t work
Life is full of shortcuts. Ways to get ahead in life without actually putting in the work it takes to [...]
One thought that could change your life
You have an amazing ability that you might not even know you have. You have been given a gift that [...]
The “put it on the wall” plan to eliminate excuses
We have all heard them. We have all used them at one time or another. Excuses. The Excuse Wall [...]
5 workout rules that also apply to life
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How I became a fitness model without using steroids
I started working out because my father always worked out. As far back as I can remember he had a [...]