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How to be authentic

Some people are fond of asking if others can tell what you believe by looking at your life. The truth is the answer to that question is always yes, because you always live what you actually believe. The real question is if you believe what you think you believe. The question is if you believe what you say you believe. The ironic thing is that others can often tell what we believe better than we can. For example, if you say you believe in helping the poor and you promote social programs that do so, but you don’t give your own money to help the poor, then you don’t actually believe in helping the poor. You may think it’s a good idea that the poor have help, but you don’t actually believe in helping the poor. A complete stranger could take one look at your bank account and tell what you believe about helping the poor. The same thing is true in every area of life. You may say you believe in being healthy but do you go the the gym and eat well? It’s easy to say you care about people more than possessions but does your life [...]

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