11 things guys shouldn’t be afraid to tell other guys
Most of you know I hate hip phrases and trendy topics. Currently one of my least favorites is "mansplaining." I hate that term. I also hate the phrase " locker room talk." With that being said, I think guys need to get real with each other. So here's some real locker room talk. Read on guys cause I've got some mansplaining to do. 1. "I love you." I love you is one of the most powerful phrases in the English language, but men have been afraid to use it for years. It's time to get over that fear. There are at least four types of love: Sexual, brotherly, familial, and unconditional. As a man you don't have to use all of them, but you better use some of them. 2. "Wear sunscreen and face lotion." This is an important lesson that I learned too late. Protecting and taking care of your only defense against the outside world is important. Skincare isn't only for females. Take care of your skin. Especially your face. It's the only one you've got. 3. "I have a baby seat in the back seat of my car." A female friend of mine was very surprised [...]
5 lessons in failure from a Theodore Roosevelt quote
On April 3rd, 1910 Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech called, Citizenship in a Republic. There is a paragraph in [...]
3 lessons in encouragement from a stranger
3 lessons in encouragement from a stranger Nick Reese wakes from a three-year [...]
This is who you should marry
I’m writing this blog from an elliptical at the gym. But this post isn’t about my writing or workout [...]
The one thing we gave each of our children when they were born
It's traditional for parents to give their children a gift for their birthday. Usually this starts at the first [...]
12 day ab challenge
This is not a fitness blog. My readers know that in my posts I usually tell a story and [...]