There is a famous saying by Albert Einstein that goes like this: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

It’s one of my favorite quotes. The statement itself is pretty simple and at first pass seems benign. It seems like a good slogan for when a losing team needs a pick-me-up or when a friend is going through a hard time. It’s one of those quotes that is rampant on twitter but no one really stops to realize the unbelievable amount of truth in it.

We often glance at a quote like this one and we like the idea of it. In theory. But in reality it’s not for us because our particular brand of difficulty really sucks. So we like the sentiment…for others. But when it really gets down to it, when it comes to us, we don’t like it. Because difficulty is hard. Difficulty is often unwarranted and always unwanted. We hate difficulty.

I have been going through some recent difficult times in my life. These difficult times have caused me to rethink some things and to adjust some of my plans. Trust me, it’s never fun to go through a trying time. But sometimes a difficult time can clarify beliefs and provide an opportunity that wouldn’t normally be found.

The truth

The truth is difficulty happens to everyone. Everyone. I don’t have to tell you that. You’ve had your share of difficulties.

So what do you do with those difficult times? If Einstein was right (and since he was pretty smart, let’s assume he was), then how can we emerge from a difficulty better than we were before?

Doesn’t it seem like some people do that naturally? Some people seem to thrive better in difficult circumstances than others. No one likes difficult times, but some people seem to handle them better than others. And some people seem to emerge better off than they were before. How can we be that type of person?

The middle

Difficulty comes in all shapes and sizes. Your difficulty is different from mine. But the key to winning in any difficult circumstance is to find the way the difficulty can help you learn or grow or become better. This does not always mean the difficulty becomes a good thing. The difficulty might still be a horrible thing. But finding “the opportunity” is a way to salvage something from the difficult time.

Often the opportunity must be found. And to be found it must be searched for. Thomas Edison is quoted as saying, “opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” He isn’t far off.

Opportunity is often hidden in the difficulty. And the difficulty sometimes consumes our thoughts so much that we forget to search for a way to salvage our experience. With that in mind I have come up with three general opportunities that can be found in any difficulty. This is obviously not a comprehensive list. Individual difficulties often hide specific opportunities. They are there, we just have to find them.

The opportunity

Difficulty offers the opportunity to get closer to others.

During difficult times we can learn to depend on others. Difficult times bring people together. Remember how the country felt after 9/11? After such a horrible event Americans drew closer to each other than I can ever remember them being. During the recent difficult times I have experienced several specific people have been there for me and have encouraged and helped me. I will always be thankful for those people and for the strength they have given me.

Difficulty offers the opportunity to trust God.

Difficult times make us trust God more. Again, remember 9/11? Churches across the country were filled to the brim the following Sunday. If you are a believer in a strong God, then difficulties offer the opportunity to trust that your God is who you think He is.

Difficulty offers the opportunity to get stronger.

This “opportunity” is one of the toughest for me to write about. As humans we often don’t want the opportunity to get stronger because that means we have a situation we need to be stronger for. And those situations are no fun.

Do you want to be in a situation so difficult you are forced to become a stronger person to deal with it?  PASS.

But when those difficult situations arrive (and they will) you will have the opportunity to either shrink back in fear or become stronger and meet the challenge with courage. The choice will be yours.

So be strong. Are you in a difficult situation? Opportunity awaits…

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