A girl named trust
Comedian Jim Gaffigan has a joke he tells about having his fifth child: "If you want to know what it's like to have a fifth kid, imagine you are drowning....and someone hands you a baby." That's how my wife and I felt when we got the phone call letting us know that our adopted daughter had a sister. We already had a daughter who just turned two and twins who had just turned one and we were drowning. We were overwhelmed and overworked and barely surviving. We had no help, no breaks, no sleep, and no idea how we were even surviving with three children under three years old. We were drowning. And instead of handing us a lifeline, God handed us another baby. A reason to trust I was still trying to get used to telling people I was a father of three, now I had to try to wrap my head around being a father of four. Almost everyone we knew thought we were insane for having three children under three and now we were about to have four children under three. I understand that may not sound that crazy to some people, after all it can [...]
The fight for relevance in an Instagram influencer culture
A little while back I had an audition for company that is a giant in the fitness and nutrition [...]
How to fight your “basic” instinct
In the Bible Jesus tells a story about a king who goes away for a while and leaves three [...]
10 uncomfortable things you should do every day
There is a famous quote that is usually attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt that encourages everyone to “do one thing [...]
How to get up at 4 a.m. every day
Getting up at 4 a.m. is all the rage. That didn't used to be the case, but Dwayne Johnson [...]
13 things to stop doing by the time you are 30
When I turned thirty (several years ago) I made some decisions about some things I no longer wanted to [...]