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Being thankful when difficulty and blessing arrive together

Six months ago my wife and I were sitting on our couch when we got a message that said our daughter had a new sister. We were already parents of two one-year-olds and a two-year-old and quite honestly we often felt overwhelmed already. Most people get nine months to prepare themselves for a new child. Most people get to mentally, emotionally, and physically prepare for the arrival of a newborn for the better part of a year. We had one day. In fact my wife and mother-in-law had done some spring cleaning only a month before. During that cleanse they had donated all of our baby items. All of our newborn cribs and swings and clothes were gone. Just in time for a newborn. Physically we weren't prepared for new baby. But even more than that we weren't prepared for a new baby mentally and emotionally. We had already done the newborn stage four times in less than two years. We just started to look forward to sleeping more than two hours at a time for the first time in years. We weren't prepared to start over so soon. Again. As unprepared as we were, bringing the newborn into [...]

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