Dear son,

There are a few things I want you to remember. Think of them as a cheat sheet for life. When you get lost you can refer back to this list. Most of these observations come from lessons I’ve had to learn the hard way. Please take my word for them so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I have.

Never be afraid to stand alone


There will come at least a few moments in your life where doing what’s right will require you to stand alone. In those moments everything and everyone around you will tell you to give in and go with the flow. Don’t do it. Stand alone. Even if it costs you everything. In time you will look back and see that these moments were some of the most important of your life. Standing alone will take strength and valor, but when the moment comes just look inside, you’ll find the valor is already there. Then act accordingly.

Protection services are part of your job description


Part of your job is to protect those around you. This especially goes for your sisters. Everyone should know that when someone is picking on either of them they are picking on you. There’s a saying, “you mess with the bull, you get the horns.” That is how your job works. If you mess with a Prather sister, you get the Titus. Protection is your job. Act accordingly.

Gentleness and strength are not mutually exclusive


This world emphasizes strength, and that’s good because you are strong. There’s nothing wrong with being strong. But you know what else is strong? Gentleness. There is a strength in the ability to be gentle that those who seek nothing but power will never understand. Act accordingly.

Don’t lose track of what is important


The world will tell you what is important. It will tell you what you can do and be and feel. And it will be wrong. The things that are actually important are the things you cannot see and could never replace if you lost them. Act accordingly.

There is power in noise but there is strength in silence


You never met your grandpa but he had a saying. Anytime he thought someone was running their mouth too much he would say, “I’d rather see you do it than hear you talk about it.” Son, your grandpa was right. People won’t believe what you say until they see you what you do. Remember that, and act accordingly.

People are more important than things


Your grandpa said something else you should remember. He said, “Very few things are important in this life, but people are. And especially your family.” It’s true. Act accordingly.

Collect experiences instead of things


Trust me on this. At the end of your life you won’t look back and wish you had purchased more things. But you will look back and wish you traveled more and spent more time with the ones you love. You can always make more money but you can’t make more time. Act accordingly.

Don’t expect your mate to take better care of herself than you do of yourself 


This culture has high expectations for how a female should look. Right or wrong that’s the way it is. But here’s the deal, you can’t expect the person you are with to take better care of herself than you take of yourself. Act accordingly.

Fear is inevitable but bravery is a choice


Never make a decision out of fear. Trust me. I’ve done it and every time I have regretted it in the long run. You will have fear in your life. It is inevitable. But you can choose to be brave. And courage will take you a lot farther than cowardice ever will. Act accordingly.

The path of least resistance always leads down


This world has enough people who try to fit in. People who take the path of least resistance are abundant. But no one gets stronger from taking the path of least resistance. Son, be valiant. To make a difference you have to be different. Act accordingly.

The world will tell you who you are, how to think, how to act, what you are worth, and what you can do. And it will be wrong.


Every day culture will tell you all about yourself. It will try to shove you into its own mold and force you to be like everyone else. Don’t listen to it. Make your own path. Be your own person. Don’t fit in. The world will tell you how you should feel, think, and act. But it will consistently be wrong. Act accordingly.

I will always be proud of you


No matter what you do, where you go, or what you become, I will always be proud of you. I will always love you. And I will always be on your side. You will never be too far away to come back home. Remember that. And act accordingly.

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