Every person reading this has the ability to change the world. Every human who has ever lived has had the ability to make the world a different place. In fact, everyone who has ever drawn a breath has changed the world in one-way or another.
You have the ability to change the world.
Each of us has the desire to be remembered. Deep down each of us wants to do something that will last longer than the few years we have here on earth. Sometimes we want to make things better for ourselves and for our children, and sometimes even for people we have never met.
This desire to change the world is the reason we create and dream. It is the reason we have art and literature. Sometimes it’s the reason we look up to famous people. Often it is the reason we have strive to pass our lives on to our children. This desire comes from our unconscious pull towards immortality.
But often we have the idea that if we aren’t famous or rich or powerful then we cannot change the world. I completely disagree with this idea and I want to share why.
But first I would like to share an old poem with you:
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost
For want of a message the battle was lost
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
You don’t have to be a king to change the world. You don’t have to be the warrior that goes to war for the king. You don’t have to be the important message or even the rider who carries it. Maybe you aren’t the horse and sometimes you aren’t even the shoe. Be the nail.
Anyone can be the nail. You can be a good influence on those around you. You can change the lives of those you come in contact with. You don’t need to be rich or famous or powerful. You can change one life. You can change one family. You can change one group. You can be the nail.
Being the nail isn’t glamorous. It often isn’t enjoyable. But you can be the reason the battle is ultimately won or lost, just by being the nail. You have the ability to change the world, just by being the nail.
So whatever being the nail means in your life, just do it. You are changing the world. Maybe one day you will be the rider or the warrior. But right here, right now, you can be the nail. Remember, the kingdom could be lost, all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Final Thought:
[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-normal-blue”]You have the ability to change the world.[/Tweet]