You have an amazing ability that you might not even know you have. You have been given a gift that you probably have never even thought about. God gave each of us the ability to only think one thought at a time. That means for one thought to enter your head another has to leave.

Think about that (now see how you aren’t thinking something else). That ability means you get to control your thoughts. It means you have power over your thought life. You get to choose which thought gets to stay in your head.


Where the mind goes the body will follow

Ask any professional athlete and they will tell you that the real game is not in the body but in the mind. The mind is where the game before the game is played. Olympians often use a technique called visualization to perform better.

Visualization is a technique in which the competitor will perform the activity over and over in their mind as if they were actually in the competition. The athlete will repeatedly see themselves doing their task successfully and then when the actual competition starts they have already mentally performed the feat well enough to win. Studies show the benefit of this technique in priming the body to perform better. This is because the body actually feels like it has completed the exercise successfully multiple times.


What consumes your thoughts controls your life

What is true in sports is also true in life. It is important to be able to control what goes through your mind because the things that you constantly think about are the things that have power in your life. So you can control what has power in your life by controlling your thoughts.

You give power to the things you think about. So only allow thoughts to stay in your mind that match up with your life goals.


You have the ability to take control

The wonderful thing about this is that you get to take control of your life, and it begins by taking control of your thoughts. And that begins one thought at a time. If a thought creeps in that doesn’t match up with your goals then you can chase it away with one that does.

Taking control begins one thought at a time. The more you practice which thoughts you allow in your head and which you don’t the better you will get at it and the easier it will get for you to do.

Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t very good at this at first. Thoughts are stubborn and if you have allowed the wrong ones to make a home in your head for too long then it might take a while to evict them. It will take repeated and concerted effort. But remember, you don’t have to kick the thought out. All you have to do is replace an unwanted thought with a better one.

Only one thought is allowed in at a time. It’s like turning on the lights. You do not have to chase the darkness away first. Once you allow light to come in the darkness is forced to leave.