Talking about regrets is usually not an easy thing to do. Regrets, by their nature are painful. But on the other hand it’s probably better to talk about possible regrets you might have before you have them. That’s why I like to listen to the advice and stories of the generations that have come before me. Older generations have wisdom we can borrow that comes from their own experience.

It seems like one of the most common regrets elderly people have is that they didn’t take more risks in life. This really isn’t surprising. Risks by their nature are scary, and humans are much more comfortable with comfort. Most of our lives are geared toward trying to achieve a more comfortable position or standard of living. The main goal in the western world is most often the search for security, financial or otherwise. It’s ironic that after we achieve that comfort and security, many of us look back as the end nears and wish we had been a little less comfortable.

I, for one, never plan on having that particular regret. I agree with Lucille Ball who is credited with saying, “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.”

It’s important to note that living a risky life doesn’t mean being stupid. Also what seems risky to one person may seem like nothing to another. We are all built with different thresholds for risk, so don’t judge someone else by your own threshold.

Living a risky life just means taking chances that come your way. And sometimes it means creating your own chances. A risky life means living outside of your comfort zone and sometimes being in a less stable position than you would like. A risky life means adventure.

Don’t be afraid to live the life everyone else is afraid to live.

  1. A life that is comfortable and secure is rarely remembered. Think about the humans throughout history who stand out to you. Most of them had to take a big risk at some point in their life. Chances are that risk they took is why they are even remembered by history at all.
  2. Risks lead to great stories. Think back over your life and pick out your favorite moments. Think about the stories you tell at parties. Odds are the best memories and the best stories begin with you taking some type of risk.
  3. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Life works in balance. Very few things in life are free. And usually the greater the risk the greater the potential payoff. For example; if you risk opening your heart wide you could get very hurt, but it’s also the only opportunity to feel great love. It is only by risking heartbreak that you can feel a full heart. Living a risky life is scary, but it’s also the only way to feel a full life.
  4. A risky life inspires others. Fear and courage are both contagious. You can be a conduit of either one. Sometimes your small step of courage will inspire someone else to take one of their own.
  5. Life is too short to be bored. You were not put on this earth to live and die and simply pay the bills in between. You were created for more. But more is risky…

Life is short. Adventure is waiting. Take a risk.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-normal-blue”]Don’t be afraid to live the life everyone else is afraid to live.[/Tweet]


P.S. Sitting only a few feet from an uncaged lion in the wild is an unbelievable feeling. These animals are afraid of absolutely nothing and feeling their complete lack of fear is an inspiring thing.
